The Wrong Side of my Car

The blog that wants to go obsolete

20 May 2021

…and they’re open to cars again

Well, that didn’t take long.

This was never going to be an easy or uncontroversial project, but this demise still came quicker than I expected. And I don’t exactly consider myself more optimistic than average.

Where did we go wrong?

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11 May 2021

What do street name suffixes like “street” or “avenue” mean?

After living in a suburb for a while you get used to streets being randomly tagged as ‘Street’, ‘Road’, ‘Avenue’, or others. Here’s a top 10 for Auckland. *1

Street type amount
1. Road 3809
2. Place 2491
3. Street 1853
4. Avenue 1439
5. Drive 977
6. Lane 521
7. Crescent 483
8. Way 285
9. Terrace 227
10. Court 225

How do you choose a type? Do they just choose a random one for each street? It looks like it for sure.

But these words actually have distinct meanings.


Unique street names counted in the area covered by the maps I generated from the census data.

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