The blog that wants to go obsolete
If you cross the Harbour Bridge to the north you touch down in Northcote Point
Or, perhaps more aptly, on Northcote Point. A sizeable part of the tip of what must once have been a quiet peninsula now looks like this:
And this thing is loud. Not just the usual traffic noise itself, but also the endless thuds of cars going over the seams between parts of the bridge. Somewhere nearby Skypath is meant to touch down, providing a bicycle link to the city across the harbour.
Last time, we were on Wynyard Quarter. For me, coming in from the North Shore, the obvious way in is to drive. But many people live close enough to come in on foot.
Once you start walking you’ll quickly encounter what I will here euphemistically call the rest of Auckland.
Wynyard Quarter. The paradise of car free spaces, waterfront promenades and expensive restaurants. It is almost unimaginable that just over 10 years ago the fish market was sitting in the middle of some desolate old industrial land.