The Wrong Side of my Car

The blog that wants to go obsolete

27 Apr 2018

The far side of the windshield

Some observations of the far side of the windshield. I can’t read people’s minds, so I filled in some details…

Every day John Doe catches the bus to work on Glenfield Road. As usual in the morning he has to cross the road. He managed to cross to the middle of the street to the pedestrian refuge, but is now stuck with the endless stream of cars going to the city. With that endless steam comes his bus, and it pulls over…

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13 Apr 2018

The Lantern Festival: how do you get to huge events in Auckland?

I went to the lantern festival, which happens now every year in the Auckland Domain.

Promotional image from ATEED.
I’ll leave taking pictures over there to proper photographers.

Getting to any event of any signficance is a pain in the ass, as it invariably attracts thousands of people trying to drive and park their car in that same spot. With this one, we’re talking about 100,000’s, so forewarned is forearmed. Do not proceed without planning ahead.

(This does not apply if you’re walking in from your apartment nearby. In that case, please spare a thought for those caught in traffic.)

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6 Apr 2018

Making the relief map: the base

If you download a DEM it looks roughly like this:

By itself, visualizing relief as a greyscale image has an advantage: the eye is quite sensitive to changes in brightness, making it a good choice if you want to discover fine details in the image. But I wanted to overlay a street map over the relief, and doing this in a clear manner is really hard if the background varies between black and white.

So what I want to do is 2 things:

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